
The Lost Triptych: A 5e and B/X RPG Campaign!

Created by Pacesetter Games & Simulations

A cleric-centric adventure for characters levels 8-12 for the 5th Edition and B/X game systems.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 07:42:03 AM

WOW!! Just like that, we have funded in under 2 hours!

First of all, thank you for your continued support with our projects. We live to create, and you all give us that opportunity... so thank you a million!

This book is really special for a few reasons. As Pacesetter grows, we are able to have some amazing guest authors work with us. Thom Wilson, The Lost Triptych designer, is a true talent, and we are very lucky to have him on the team.

Also, it is nice to put out a book with a really solid story that inspires the use of a cleric in the party. Many times, players feel as if running the cleric is just checking off a box on the list of adventuring party requirements. We aim to make this an easy choice!

With that, we press on! Share this Kickstarter with your friends and fellow gamers, or the trolls might get to you ;)

Share Link:

Art by Raven Evermoor

All the best,

Ben Barsh

Stretch Goal #4 Down!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 11:45:02 PM

Good news! We have taken down yet another stretch goal!

With this one down, we will add in 2 more interior pieces by the amazingly talented Raven Evermoor! These art pieces will continue to help bring visual life to the book!

Next up we have the female protagonist featured on the cover as a playable character and the triptych as a handout option!

Thank you for your continued support. We should be able to take down all the stretch goals we have listed by the end of the campaign! Let's keep rolling!

Artwork by Raven Evermoor

All the best,

Ben Barsh

Stretch Goal #2 Down!!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 02:59:32 PM

That was fast! I woke up to see another stretch goal down, over 100 backers, and we are almost at stretch goal #3!

With stretch goal #2 going down, we will add in 2 more interior pieces by the amazingly talented Raven Evermoor! With taking down these goals, we are able to add more full-page pieces to the book. This will help the book come to life more and more throughout the campaign.

That is it for now! I'll update again when we take down another goal :)

Art by Raven Evermoor

All the best,

Ben Barsh

Stretch Goal #1 Down!!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 01:25:16 PM

Just like that we have taken down the first stretch goal! Pacesetter character sheets will now be added to the books!

This stretch goal is absolutely FREE to all backers who back at least the PDF level. The 5th edition sheet was designed by Wonkee (our amazing interior artist and cartographer), and the B/X sheet was designed by our fearless leader, Bill Barsh! They are an amazing addition to any campaign fueled by Pacesetter!

There will be separate character sheets for 5th edition and B/X.

We are coming in hot on stretch goal #2 and 100 backers! Onwards and upwards!

All the best,

Ben Barsh